Lifelong Learning Programme Erasmus (E111BR89)
This Intensive Program has two main goals
- To develop creativity and autonomy thanks to a “learning by doing” methodology.
- To create an innovative and interactive HMI Product (Human Machine Interface Product) at the end of the program.
Target Groups
- Students from Portugal (Coimbra), Austria (Graz) and Belgium (Gent and Brussels)
- Minimal level for students: 3rd Bach
Main Activities
- Setting up of students teams before the beginning of the IP
- Website creation and enrichment during the program
- Courses about project management, creativity, innovative sensor technology, microcontrollers, command and action upon multimedia systems
- Learning by doing projects supervised by the participating teachers
Learning Outcomes
- New technical knowledge
- Experience in group work
- Intercultural experience
Expected Outputs
- A finished product: An innovative HMI.
- A website/blog to enrich continuously during the program.
- A public oral presentation with a demonstration of the product, happening at the end of the intensive program in a cultural place IMAL.